Spanish Moss Morning
8” x 8”. 1/5 variable edition. see more below
This etching was selected for the Cooperstown Art Association’s Annual National juried show 2024.
It was made after a visit to Seabrook Island in South Carolina. I fell in love with the liminal feel the spanish moss gave to my early morning bike rides.
The fable of the origin of Spanish Moss:
Gorez Goz was a bearded brute who bought a beautiful Indian maiden for a yard of braid and a mere bar of soap. The mere sight of the Spaniard so frightened the girl that she ran away from him. Gorez Goz chased right behind her, until at last he climbed up after her to the top of a tree. The maiden dove into the water and escaped, but Gorez Goz’s beard got hopelessly entangled in the tree’s branches. There he died, but we can still see his “greybeard” on trees throughout the Lowcountry—as the Spanish moss out on the limbs.