The Cave of Forgotten Dreams
12” X 12”
Collagraph etching + collage
I discovered a box of old journals while cleaning out a closet. Some of them dated back 40 years. As I flipped through them I found entries of dreams I had found profoundly helpful at the time but had completely forgotten. I have paid attention to my dreams for decades. As a psychotherapist I studied the Dream Interviewing Method. It was a dynamic and transformative part of my work with clients (and myself!)
I use dreams sometimes as inspiration for printmaking. Dream work and dream art is worth looking into. This print was made to remind me to REMEMBER MY DREAMS!
If you are interested in dream work check out Gayle Delaney’s “All About Dreams: Everything You Need to Know about Why We Have Them, What They Mean, and How to Put Them to Work for You” and “Breakthrough Dreaming”