Supercharged Diamond Dream
5”x 8”
Soulcollage was a very dynamic part of my psychotherapy practice. This soulcollage image was made in response to the following dream. (I then further manipulated image in Picmonkey.)
“I dreamt that at birth everyone is given the gift of a bag of diamonds. Since everyone had them, it was routine, normal, and not seen as “special”. Like anything that we always have available to us with no effort, the diamonds were often overlooked, devalued and not recognized or honored as precious. The diamonds are there, and it is assumed they always will be. No big deal.
I then become aware that it is possible to “super-charge” your diamonds. You can do this by recognizing their immense value, honoring them and exposing them to the light. By remembering each day to consciously handle them and treat them with the attention and respect they deserve, the diamonds become “super-charged” with palpable energy and light. The diamonds then have the ability to cast more light into the environment and to add positive energy everywhere. The choices I make each day add more or less energy to the diamonds. It is not so much a matter of "doing", but the quality of my presence that increases the charge in the diamonds. How centered, calm, grateful, joyful, present am I in my day? As the diamonds gather this energy, it then has an uplifting, healing effect on me.
I am aware in the dream that many people are unaware of this possibility. They ignore their diamonds, take them for granted and overlook their value. They assume the diamonds will always be there. They go about their lives constantly feeling they lack something when in fact, they have a bag of diamonds they ignore.
Then I am aware that at the end of our lives the diamonds we have been given at birth will be returned to their Creator by being placed in the casket with us. How charged our diamonds have become is our "return gift" to the Source of the diamonds. I am aware that I want to return my diamonds as “super-charged” as possible.”